A new take on the games people play in their relationships

Human nature has deep evolutionary roots and is manifested in relationships with family members, friends, romantic and business partners, competitors, and strangers more than in any other aspects of behavior or intellectual ...

Glimpses of fatherhood found in non-pair-bonding chimps

Although they have no way of identifying their biological fathers, male chimpanzees form intimate bonds with them, a finding that questions the idea of fatherhood in some of humanity's closest relatives, according to a study ...

Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows

Because literature and film so often depict nature as inherently unfair, people assume that animals live in a "dog-eat-dog world." Inequality might seem like an inevitable fact of life, but a new analysis of data for 66 species ...

Is There a Relationship Between Facebook, Grades?

(PhysOrg.com) -- News in mid-April of an unpublished study suggesting that college students' use of Facebook was related to lower college academic achievement probably sent more than a few parents reeling. Now a new study ...

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