Naked mole rats speak in dialect

Some people converse in Creole, while others speak Scots, but it's not only humans who can be identified by the diversity of language they speak. Naked mole-rats have their own dialects, too. Shared dialect also strengthens ...

Projecting the outcomes of people's lives with AI isn't so simple

The machine learning techniques scientists use to predict outcomes from large datasets may fall short when it comes to projecting the outcomes of people's lives, according to a mass study led by researchers at Princeton University ...

World needs ambitious 0% new plastic waste target by 2040

The United Nations is being urged to make a bold pledge and set a target of zero for new plastic pollution by 2040 in its upcoming Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution. Plastic production and subsequent pollution are key ...

To fight extreme poverty, empower women with more than cash

To combat global poverty, social programs that not only provide cash to families—but also address psychological and social obstacles to seizing economic opportunities—can have a beneficial impact on people's lives, according ...

How Twitter shapes public opinion

How exactly does Twitter, with its 241 million users tweeting out 500 million messages daily, shape public opinion?

An equation for friendship

If only they had been there in 1939: Plugging in numbers representing the friendliness between pairs of nations at the outset of World War II, researchers at Cornell University used a computer program to successfully predict ...

Babies and robots learn from each other

A few years ago, AnthroTronix, Inc., an engineering research and development firm in College Park, Md., introduced Cosmobot, a type of social robot for therapists and educators who work with developmentally and learning disabled ...

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