Facebook toys with mobile game publishing

Facebook on Tuesday got into the business of publishing mobile games, offering developers help at going global with smartphone or tablet titles in exchange for a share of revenue.

Retailers angle for presence in social media's virtual worlds

Best Buy Co. Inc. may be building fewer big-box stores in malls and shopping centers nationwide. But when it comes to the virtual world, the Richfield, Minn.-based consumer electronics giant is looking to grab some digital ...

Researchers push to import top anti-bullying program to US schools

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Kansas plan to bring a highly successful anti-bullying effort, the KiVa program, to American schools. Starting as early as the 2012-13 school year, a pilot program ...

World needs ambitious 0% new plastic waste target by 2040

The United Nations is being urged to make a bold pledge and set a target of zero for new plastic pollution by 2040 in its upcoming Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution. Plastic production and subsequent pollution are key ...

Being rewarded for loyalty is important

(Phys.org) —Consumers are continuing to sign up for loyalty programs even when they're unsure of the benefits, according to new research.

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