Study shows inmate re-entry programs not evaluated optimally

A recent study shows a government-funded program designed to help prisoners re-enter society and avoid returning to prison did not produce better results for those in the program when compared to those not taking part in ...

Retailers angle for presence in social media's virtual worlds

Best Buy Co. Inc. may be building fewer big-box stores in malls and shopping centers nationwide. But when it comes to the virtual world, the Richfield, Minn.-based consumer electronics giant is looking to grab some digital ...

Researchers push to import top anti-bullying program to US schools

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Kansas plan to bring a highly successful anti-bullying effort, the KiVa program, to American schools. Starting as early as the 2012-13 school year, a pilot program ...

An equation for friendship

If only they had been there in 1939: Plugging in numbers representing the friendliness between pairs of nations at the outset of World War II, researchers at Cornell University used a computer program to successfully predict ...

Babies and robots learn from each other

A few years ago, AnthroTronix, Inc., an engineering research and development firm in College Park, Md., introduced Cosmobot, a type of social robot for therapists and educators who work with developmentally and learning disabled ...

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