Naked mole rats speak in dialect

Some people converse in Creole, while others speak Scots, but it's not only humans who can be identified by the diversity of language they speak. Naked mole-rats have their own dialects, too. Shared dialect also strengthens ...

Nicaragua operation rescues two endangered jaguar cubs

When a post on social media exposed animal traffickers who planned to illegally sell two young jaguars abroad, Nicaragua zookeeper Eduardo Sacasa had a narrow chance to save the cubs.

TV viewers with second screen, second sight

More and more of us choose to watch television while using our smartphones and tablets. This second-screen viewing behavior often means that viewers are less engaged with the television programming and advertising than they ...

4 ways COVID-19 has exposed gaps in the US social safety net

The United States is experiencing its steepest economic slide in modern history. Tens of millions of Americans have filed new unemployment claims as the coronavirus shutters businesses and forces companies to lay off staff.

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