How birds learn

Songbirds can acquire new abilities both through observation and through trial and error. However, skills acquired with the latter method are more easily adapted to new situations, as scientists at ETH and the University ...

Scientists develop a mathematical model of a social conflict

A team of researchers led by Associate Professor Alexander Petukhov of the Institute of International Relations and World History at Lobachevsky University is developing social conflict models on the basis of nonlinear dynamics.

Religious affiliation impacts language use on Facebook

Are you more likely to use words like "happy" and "family" in your social media posts? Or do you use emotional and cognitive words like "angry" and "thinking?" The words you use may be a clue to your religious affiliation. ...

Housing affordability crisis creates spiral of disadvantage

Millions of Australians move house each year, but new research has highlighted that while many are upgrading their homes and living standards, housing affordability problems are sorting many of the nation's most disadvantaged ...

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