Want to impress on Valentine's Day? Then make sure to wear red

Sexual attractiveness is a preoccupation that clings to us throughout our daily lives. Today's social media obsession with perfect beauty makes being attractive and feeling attractive seem all the more important. Being attractive ...

Exploring how diverse social networks reduce accent judgments

Everyone has an accent. But the intelligibility of speech doesn't just depend on that accent; it also depends on the listener. Visual cues and the diversity of the listener's social network can impact their ability to understand ...

How Hong Kong youth perceive parenthood

Young people in Hong Kong are shifting their perceptions of parenthood from traditional Chinese cultural values, which emphasize family relationships and family loyalty, toward global values, such as individualism and consumerism, ...

Trust in pollies concerns Australian voters

More than half of Australians think they have no say about what the government does nor any influence on politics, a new analysis from QUT shows.

Sweden seen through the eyes of the US: Changing perceptions?

Sweden has long had a strong symbolic value in US politics, representing a utopia that has chosen a golden middle way between capitalism and socialism. However, the tone has not always been positive and this image has been ...

Addressing antisocial behaviour

The most detailed analysis of the experiences and perceptions of victims of ASB ever conducted in this country has been used by a team at Cardiff to identify, for the first time, those police force areas where victims are ...

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