The biochemical buzz on career changes in bees

Adults facing unexpected career changes, take note. Scientists from Brazil and Cuba are reporting that honey bees — a mainstay for behavioral research that cannot be done in other animals — change their brains before ...

How audience data is shaping Canadian journalism

With media conglomerates slashing jobs, programs and publications and growing news avoidance and perceived issues of trust in journalism, finding ways to catch, engage and retain an audience has become a matter of survival ...

Tourists evacuated from Mexico's hurricane-hit Acapulco

Airlines began to evacuate tourists from Mexico's beachside city of Acapulco on Friday after a scale-topping Category 5 hurricane left a trail of destruction and at least 27 people dead, authorities said.

Misinformation: Why it may not necessarily lead to bad behavior

"So far as the influence of the newspaper upon the mind and morals of the people is concerned, there can be no rational doubt that the telegraph has caused vast injury." So said the The New York Times in 1858, when the transatlantic ...

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