Facebook woos journalists with 'FB Newswire'

Facebook launched Thursday FB Newswire, billed as an online trove of real-time information for journalists and newsrooms to mine while reporting on events or crafting stories.

Japan's digital eyes show your emotions for you

Can't be bothered to show anyone what you're thinking? Then a Japanese scientist has the answer—a pair of digital eyes that can express delight and anger, or even feign boredom.

Genetically identical ants help unlock the secrets of larval fate

(Phys.org) —A young animal's genes are not the only genes that determine its fate. The genetic identity of its caretakers matters too. Researchers suspect the interaction between the two can sway the fate of the young animal, ...

News Corp buys 'social news' agency Storyful

Rupert Murdoch's publishing group News Corp. said Friday it had acquired the "social news agency" Storyful, which seeks to merge journalism with social media.

Divorced people more likely to die from preventable accidents

Divorced people are more likely to die from preventable accidents than married counterparts, according to a new study from sociologists at Rice University and the University of Pennsylvania. The study also found that single ...

Birds of a feather create new species together—and here's how

Starlings have an image problem in Australia. These drab invaders are best known as pests of orchards and shopping centres. If you take a trip to see their African relatives though, you'll find starlings are some of the most ...

Cells like us stick together

Once upon a time all cells were solitary, going about the everyday business of life on their own.

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