How can we break the racial bias in the labour market?

When interviewing a job candidate, people often have certain preferences that are not just based on a rational evaluation of the person's skills, but also on gut feelings. These feelings can be fed by our biases that develop ...

Meteorologists targeted in climate misinfo surge

Once trusted faces on the news, meteorologists now brave threats, insults and slander online from conspiracy theorists and climate change deniers who accuse them of faking or even fixing the weather.

Using math to map social connections

Imagine being able to predict how a group of people will behave before they even know it themselves. From the dynamics of a sports team to the complexities of a nation, the ability to anticipate human interactions has long ...

Study examines how to get people to share a corporate post

A brand's communication through social media posts is all the more effective the more it is in line with the image and values the public associates with the brand. This is the subject of a recent article in the Journal of ...

Why are networks stable? Researchers solve a 50-year-old puzzle

A single species invades an ecosystem causing its collapse. A cyberattack on the power system causes a major breakdown. These types of events are always on our minds, yet they rarely result in such significant consequences. ...

More women than men move out after widowhood, study finds

Significantly more women than men move out when their partners pass away. This, according to a University of Copenhagen study that investigates the settlement patterns of Danish widows and widowers. According to the researcher, ...

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