Group says kept in the dark about Facebook case

An Austrian group fighting for clearer privacy policies on Facebook complained Monday that the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) was keeping it in the dark about proceedings.

Nintendo posts first annual loss

Japanese videogame giant Nintendo on Thursday posted its first annual loss since becoming a public company, blaming a soaring yen and price cuts on its consoles for sinking it $530 million into the red.

Facebook failing on privacy promises: campaign group

Facebook has failed to meet a deadline to improve its privacy policies that was set by the data commissioner in Ireland, home to it overseas headquarters, an Austrian advocacy group said on Tuesday.

Study: Most people still don't trust online info

Over the past decade, Americans have witnessed the rise of social networks and mobile technology that's put the Internet at an arm's reach, day and night - yet a new study has found that people are even more distrustful of ...

S. Korea tightens monitoring of social media

South Korea has tightened monitoring of popular social networking sites to curb illicit content including an upsurge in North Korean propaganda, officials said Thursday.

NY man suing Facebook must explain missing items

(AP) -- A judge on Wednesday gave Facebook access to the personal email accounts of a man suing for half ownership of the social networking website and ordered him to explain why he can't produce documents its lawyers believe ...

News Corp. board backs Murdoch after hacking scandal

Rupert Murdoch claimed boardroom backing Wednesday to remain at the helm of News Corp. as he worked to shift attention from the phone-hacking scandal to his media behemoth's healthy bottom line.

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