Mobile industry champions paying with phones

Paying with a mobile phone is gradually become a reality for consumers, with banks, telecommunications operators and Internet players all jumping in to offer payment options.

Facebook courting Twitter lovers

Facebook is courting Twitter lovers with pages that fire instant updates to limitless audiences in a fashion echoing the essence of the hot micro-blogging service.

What factors motivate people to text while driving?

Nearly a third of adult drivers text while driving, despite the increased risk of accidents, stricter laws against it, and many awareness-raising efforts. What motivates this behavior and why it is so difficult to discourage ...

Google rolls out new privacy policy amid howls

Google rolled out a new privacy policy Thursday allowing the firm to track users across various services to develop targeted advertising, despite sharp criticism from US and European consumer advocacy groups.

As Internet turns 40, barriers threaten its growth

(AP) -- Goofy videos weren't on the minds of Len Kleinrock and his team at UCLA when they began tests 40 years ago on what would become the Internet. Neither was social networking, for that matter, nor were most of the other ...

Mobile phones help transform disaster relief

Mobile phones are helping transform how relief agencies respond to humanitarian crises by enabling them to pin point where aid is needed most after hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters.

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