Are you a next generation user of the internet?

( -- A new survey shows that nearly half of internet users in Britain are ‘Next Generation Users’, who routinely access the internet on the move using portable devices – more than double the proportion ...

Disney hopes game character makes it to big screen

(AP) -- The Walt Disney Co. has used mobile games to promote its movies, but now it's trying something new: launching a cuddly character in a game in the hope he makes it to the big screen someday.

Spotify doesn't quite hit the spot

Subscription services have been touted as the future of music for the past decade. But at least in this country, they've never taken off.

Tighter online privacy rules for preteens proposed

Many preteens have dived into the expanding worlds of social networks and smartphone apps, but federal rules designed to protect their privacy are still in the era of Web portals and flip phones.

Study finds human communication is 'bursty'

Researchers in Spain have investigated the temporal patterns of human communication and how the latter impacts the spread of information in social networks. The results, published in the journal Physical Review E, show how ...

Zynga buys Toronto mobile software studio

Online social games sensation Zynga on Friday announced it has bought a Canadian firm specializing in software applications for mobile devices.

Obama 2012 campaign to go beyond email, text

(AP) -- Call him the Digital Candidate: President Barack Obama is asking supporters to use Facebook to declare "I'm In!" for his re-election campaign and is using Twitter to personally blast out messages to his nearly 9 ...

Social gaming a big winner in smartphone boom

More virtual livestock looks set to be traded and petulant fowl hurled at targets as social gaming takes hold in the booming mobile phone market, industry experts say.

While consoles slug it out, mobiles games zip in

The big three game console makers brought their latest kick-ass wares to the industry's annual get-together this week, but some question their future amid an explosion of super-nimble mobile gaming.

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