How orangutans mothers help their offspring learn

We have always known that orangutans infants are very dependent on their mothers in their early years. But it turns out that orangutan mothers also change their own behavior to help their children learn and become independent ...

Distance learning skills are learnable

In the last 18 months, the coronavirus pandemic has made distance learning somewhat of a norm in almost all education levels. In the national surveys on students, the respondents often mention lack of motivation. During distance ...

South Dakota producers reap rewards of cover crops

The longer farmers use cover crops, the more likely they are to see the benefits and to use the conservation practice on a higher percentage of their farmland, according to a survey of eastern South Dakota producers.

COVID-19-related xenophobia

A lot of entirely unwarranted anti-Asian sentiment in the U.S. and elsewhere has emerged on social media since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which had its original source in Wuhan, China, but is a global problem ...

Using artificial intelligence to manage extreme weather events

Can combining deep learning (DL)—a subfield of artificial intelligence—with social network analysis (SNA), make social media contributions about extreme weather events a useful tool for crisis managers, first responders ...

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