Social media echo chambers spread vaccine misinformation: study

WHO has named vaccine hesitancy one of the greatest threats to global health. Nonetheless, some people are hesitant or refuse to get vaccinated because they do not trust vaccines and health authorities. A new research result ...

Predicting what topics will trend on Twitter

Twitter's home page features a regularly updated list of topics that are "trending," meaning that tweets about them have suddenly exploded in volume. A position on the list is highly coveted as a source of free publicity, ...

Michael Tomasello: What makes humans human?

In his new book, Becoming Human, (Harvard University Press, 2019) Michael Tomasello brings together more than two decades of his research on what makes humans unique. The book builds on Tomasello's work studying young children's ...

How orangutans mothers help their offspring learn

We have always known that orangutans infants are very dependent on their mothers in their early years. But it turns out that orangutan mothers also change their own behavior to help their children learn and become independent ...

Horse behavior in the field

A nudge from the nose of a free-roaming zebra, or towering, 2,500-pound Clydesdale draft horse, might send others running.

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