Learning in fewer than 140 characters on Twitter

Twitter can be an engaging communication tool for building a learning community according to research just published in the International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments. Scott Warren of the ...

Human children and wild great apes share their tool use cognition

Young children will spontaneously invent tool behaviours to solve novel problems, without the help of adults, much as non-human great apes have been observed to do. The findings, from the University of Birmingham, are contrary ...

New Caledonian crows show strong evidence of social learning

Among our greatest achievements as humans, some might say, is our cumulative technological culture—the tool-using acumen that is passed from one generation to the next. As the implements we use on a daily basis are modified ...

Psychological explanation to how traditions are created

The threat of punishment combined with people's willingness to copy others – this is the basis for a new psychological model that can describe how traditions and norms are created and maintained according to researchers ...

Deep learning could prevent you from drunk posting to Facebook

The immense popularity of social media seems to have redefined "privacy" from the sense of keeping information secret to being in control over how information is shared – among friends, colleagues, companies or the government. ...

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