Of ants and men: Ant behavior might mirror political polarization

Could the division of labor in an anthill be driven by the same social dynamics governing the gap between liberals and conservatives? That was the surprising question tackled by Princeton biologists Chris Tokita and Corina ...

Copying others can lead to greater comfort with riskier behavior

The best things in life are unlikely to occur. In many situations, taking at least moderate risks yields higher expected rewards. Yet many people struggle with taking such risks: they are overly cautious and forego high payoffs. ...

Study shows popular people are influenced by others

(PhysOrg.com) -- Marketers looking to tap into social influencers as a means to promote their products should recognize that popular people aren't always the trailblazers.

Study reveals everyday technology helps fight loneliness

A new report suggests that people feel less lonely when they have access to everyday technology such as a radio, television or tablet. The research, co-produced by the University of York and the loneliness charity WaveLength, ...

How life online influences young people

Young people spend a lot of their time online. Even so, we still know very little about how this intensive use of social media influences their development. Brain researcher and Spinoza Prize winner Eveline Crone from Leiden ...

Study finds surprising source of social influence

Imagine you're a CEO who wants to promote an innovative new product—a time management app or a fitness program. Should you send the product to Kim Kardashian in the hope that she'll love it and spread the word to her legions ...

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