What happens to switchgrass when food reserves are depleted?

As potential for biofuel, switchgrass is a perennial plant that is of great interest to researchers. Scientists from the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory Walker lab are looking at how these plants regrow, even when regrowing ...

Balancing social missions with profitability

A study in the International Journal of Business Excellence has revealed how accountability in the performance of social village-owned enterprises (VOEs) is critical to their meeting both their social mission and achieving ...

How Canada can make its startup ecosystem more inclusive

The global pandemic caused devastating economic impacts, including high levels of unemployment. As with the 2008 recession, self-employment has been encouraged as a pathway towards economic participation and boosting the ...

Rethinking traditional business models to prioritize sustainability

Asper researchers are publishing work that rethinks traditional business models and prioritizes sustainability. Despite the lingering, outdated sentiment that sustain-centric business is an alternative perspective, they demonstrate ...

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