Researchers shed light on the evolution of extremist groups

Early online support for the Boogaloos, one of the groups implicated in the January 2021 attack on the United States Capitol, followed the same mathematical pattern as ISIS, despite the stark ideological, geographical and ...

American service industry approaching a 'tipping point'

The average rate at which Americans tip for services has been increasing steadily for decades, which creates a growing pay disparity between tipped and nontipped workers. The practice has been branded over the years as classist, ...

Fish leaders are born, not made, study finds

Leadership is an innate quality, said a fish study Wednesday that predicted trouble in animal social groups, also human ones, when natural roles are reversed.

Gorillas gather around and groom their dead

It is now known that many animals exhibit unique behaviors around same-species corpses, ranging from removal of the bodies and burial among social insects to quiet attendance and caregiving among elephants and primates. Researchers ...

Vampire bats social distance when they get sick

A new paper in Behavioral Ecology, published by Oxford University Press, finds that wild vampire bats that are sick spend less time near others from their community, which slows how quickly a disease will spread. The research ...

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