Related topics: facebook

Understanding identity in online worlds

For Rosa Mikeal Martey, professor in Journalism and Media Communication, the relationship between identity in the offline world and identity construction in a virtual world has always been of research interest. For her dissertation, ...

How superstitions spread

Ancient Roman leaders once made decisions about important events, such as when to hold elections or where to build new cities, based on the presence or flight patterns of birds. Builders often omit the thirteenth floor from ...

Blockchain can strengthen the credibility of meta-analyses

When it comes to accumulating and assessing research evidence, meta-analyses are considered the gold standard as they allow researchers to analyze results from many studies on the same question. It is sometimes the case, ...

Game behavior can give a hint about player gender

Researchers from ITMO University report that they have predicted personality features such as gender using data from an online gaming platform. This is one of the first studies of machine learning applied to a large amount ...

Going viral: Investors pay more attention to social media stocks

What is a social media firm worth? Following how retail investors pay attention to company tickers is one piece of the puzzle. In a new study published this week in International Journal of Economics and Finance, a finance ...

What teenagers need to know about cybersecurity

Now that school is back in session, many high schoolers have new phones, new computers and new privileges for using their devices – and new responsibilities too. High schoolers today are more technology-savvy than average ...

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