Related topics: facebook

Game consoles here to stay despite smartphone onslaught

Games on tablets and smartphones are better, faster and more varied than ever, but the excitement surrounding the upcoming PlayStation 4—expected to attract big crowds at this week's Tokyo Game Show—proves consoles are ...

Facebook toys with mobile game publishing

Facebook on Tuesday got into the business of publishing mobile games, offering developers help at going global with smartphone or tablet titles in exchange for a share of revenue.

A virtual 'Lolita' on the hunt for paedophiles

Children have come to make up a significant proportion of the active users of the Internet, but the presence of paedophiles marks them out as potential victims of abuse. With the aim of preventing such abuse, Spanish researchers ...

Smartphone life shakes up website world

Internet giants from Google and Facebook to Yahoo and Zynga are scrambling to adapt to an online world where people reach for smartphones or tablets instead of traditional computers.

E3 a chance to address gamers' questions

What is the next generation of gaming? It's a question the video game industry hasn't quite figured out yet, but it's one it must confront at this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo, the much-hyped Los Angeles trade show ...

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