Bad jobs: Why they make some women bad moms

( -- The kind of job a woman has may be just as important as whether she works or not when it comes to the well-being of her child.

Google gets its game on

Google got its game on late Wednesday, launching videogame-themed wallpaper for customized home pages and providing a glimpse at online play making its way to the website.

Scientists examine how social networks influence behavior

Conventional wisdom holds that it's not what you know, it's who you know. But now scientists studying networking are starting to realize that when it comes to much in life, it's also who the people you know know, and perhaps ...

Predicting who will experience aesthetic chills

Researchers have built a model that can predict with 73.5% accuracy when a person will experience aesthetic chills: shivers, goosebumps, or a feeling of cold down the neck or spine elicited by aesthetic stimuli, such as beautiful ...

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