280-character limit makes Twitter more civil

You've probably heard it said before: Twitter is a cesspool. A platform once populated with harmless messages about one's favorite TV shows or happenings about town, Twitter so often devolves into a hotbed of harassment, ...

Spaceship Concordia

Science for the benefit of space exploration does not only happen off planet. While some studies require the weightless isolation of the International Space Station, another location provides the right conditions for investigating ...

Feeling Self(ie)-Conscious

The perfect poolside vacation selfie. A braggy snap of the spread at your #friendsgiving dinner. That classic gag shot of the Eiffel Tower—with the top pinched between thumb and forefinger just so.

What 'social class transitioners' bring to the workplace

A new study argues that "social class transitioners" – people who move between different socioeconomic classes through their lifetime – bring a unique and valuable skillset to the workplace.

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