Study shows giraffes can use statistical reasoning

Humans make decisions using statistical information every day. Imagine you're selecting a packet of jellybeans. If you prefer red jellybeans, you will probably try to find a packet that shows the most red (and less of the ...

COVID rekindled an appreciation of nature for many

The pandemic has impacted our lives in a multitude of ways, many of which will no doubt be felt for years to come. While many of those effects are clearly negative, UConn researchers have identified at least one positive ...

Are we born with a moral compass?

For millennia, philosophers have pondered the question of whether humans are inherently good. But now, researchers from Japan have found that young infants can make and act on moral judgments, shedding light on the origin ...

Conformity trumps riskiness in social fish

Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that more sociable fish suppress their own personality when they are with a partner.

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