Exploring the psychology of welfare politics

Recent political history has shown that United States conservative leaders tend to vote against the expansion of federal welfare, or social safety net, programs. But are conservative-leaning citizens less likely than their ...

Bing to duel Google with Facebook-friendly format

Microsoft's Bing search engine is heading in a new direction as it drills deeper into Facebook's social network and Twitter's messaging service to showcase information unlikely to be found on Google.

The 'blind spot' that stops us from seeing the dangers of driving

Is it acceptable to harm another person? It might depend whether or not there's a car involved, according to a new study from UK researchers. They showed that people have a shared 'blind spot' that can make them use different ...

Facebook Argentina fined over fake profiles

Facebook Argentina was ordered to pay a firefighter one million pesos ($177,000) for failing to comply with an order to delete insulting fake profiles of the plaintiff, the Ministry of Justice said Tuesday.

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