Study examines women's strategic concealment of LGBTQ+ affinity

At a time when LGBTQ+ rights are increasingly the subject of public discussion, it is important to consider the effect on those who share an affinity with that community. Rensselaer researchers Billur Aksoy and Ian Chadd ...

How can we break the racial bias in the labour market?

When interviewing a job candidate, people often have certain preferences that are not just based on a rational evaluation of the person's skills, but also on gut feelings. These feelings can be fed by our biases that develop ...

What's a park worth to the economy?

A new framework developed by University of Waterloo researchers demonstrates the significant economic health savings and benefits from urban park investments.

Study shows giraffes can use statistical reasoning

Humans make decisions using statistical information every day. Imagine you're selecting a packet of jellybeans. If you prefer red jellybeans, you will probably try to find a packet that shows the most red (and less of the ...

Research team captures social dynamics of 'pee-shy' mice

Urine scent marks are the original social media, allowing animals to advertise their location, status and identity. Now Cornell research is shining a new light—via thermal imaging of mice—on how this behavior changes ...

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