How to stand out, lizard-style

( -- If you've ever tried waving to someone distant in a bustling crowd, you'll have some idea of how hard it can be for small rainforest animals to signal to each other with so many other distractions to catch ...

Report: US would make Internet wiretaps easier

Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites ...

Google rolls out preview of Wave

Google hits a key milestone Wednesday for a product that the search giant hopes will transform how people communicate and collaborate online, and perhaps hook more users on Google's menu of Web-based services.

Password-protected comments off limits to boss, jury rules

In a time when chat rooms, social networking and online forums are commonplace, how far can a company go in monitoring them for negative comments from discontented employees before they are guilty of "cybersnooping"?

Google hoping Web surfers will ride its 'Wave'

(AP) -- Google Inc. is hatching a new species of e-mail and instant messaging, but the Internet search leader first wants the hybrid service to evolve even more with the help of independent computer programmers.

Owls' dawn and dusk concerts promote visual communication

Reporting in the online, open-access journal PLoS ONE April 8, Vincenzo Penteriani and Maria Delgado of the Estacion Biologica de DoƱana, Spain, describe the evolution of white throat badges in association with dawn and ...

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