Researchers develop online hate speech 'shockwave' formula

A George Washington University research team has created a novel formula that demonstrates how, why, and when hate speech spreads throughout social media. The researchers put forth a first-principles dynamical theory that ...

Study: With Twitter, race of the messenger matters

When NFL player Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice, the ensuing debate took traditional and social media by storm. University of Kansas researchers have ...

Online interactions have positive effects for real-life communities

If you think Facebook, Twitter and other Web sites that foster online communication and interaction are merely vapid echo chambers of self-promotion, think again, say two University of Illinois professors who study computer-mediated ...

Trust fosters networking and knowledge sharing

A group of researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have examined how a communication network can arise within a new experiment called 'Expert Game'. They discovered that the driving mechanism for the emergence of communication ...

Trapped in social media 'echo chambers'

Social media has become a go-to platform for people to express their opinions on the hot topics of the day, from the U.S. presidential campaign to the correct color of a dress.

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