The accuracy of self-estimation in evaluating technology use

In a recent study examining the accuracy of self-estimation in evaluating technology use, researchers analyzed data from more than 300 iPhone users in China. The findings indicate a moderate correlation between self-reported ...

Flint water crisis demonstrates value of social networks

The size, strength and makeup of people's social networks are key indicators of how they will respond to the health consequences of an environmental disaster, according to a new Cornell study that focused on the Flint, Michigan, ...

Utilisation of smartwatches in situations requiring alerts

VTT Technical Research of Centre Ltd has developed various kinds of software for smartwatches that utilise speech recognition in social communication and show smart traffic data on the watch display. Now, you no longer need ...

Online educational empowerment

Online learning communities flourish best if individual learners have self-governance. That is the conclusion of a US study published in the International Journal of Web Based Communities.

Twitter forcing a strategy switch for businesses

Brand power takes on a whole new meaning on Twitter, where more than a million people follow Sockington, a tweeting feline who muses about litter boxes and salmon.

Missouri lawmakers vote to repeal Facebook limits

Missouri lawmakers passed and sent to the governor Friday a bill designed to refriend Facebook and other electronic media for thousands of Missouri's teachers and students.

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