From bushfires to terrorism: How communities become resilient

The world has watched in sympathy as Australia has come to terms with the ravages of the worst bush fires on record. Communities have been devastated by this crisis, but many have shown incredible resilience in banding together ...

Of ants and men: Ant behavior might mirror political polarization

Could the division of labor in an anthill be driven by the same social dynamics governing the gap between liberals and conservatives? That was the surprising question tackled by Princeton biologists Chris Tokita and Corina ...

Communities can combat racism, hate and extremism with education

Late one afternoon this past summer, after leaving my Winnipeg office, I came across a poster that read: "When the house of cards comes crashing down, we'll be ready. Will you join us?" In the background of this poster, the ...

Life, liberty—and access to microbes?

Poverty increases the risk for numerous diseases by limiting people's access to healthy food, environments and stress-free conditions. In a new essay published November 26 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology, Suzanne ...

Teaching group work to students with autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States. According to the American Psychiatric Association, this disability is characterized by "persistent deficits in social communication ...

How your speech could impact your salary

Most Americans are aware that English sounds different throughout the country, and that those regional differences can contribute to widely held stereotypes. But a leading University of Chicago economist has uncovered how ...

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