Work as we knew it has changed: Time to think beyond the wage

When people hear of "work," it is usually waged or salaried employment. Governments and commentators rarely speak of the work of hustling, child-rearing or subsistence farming. Instead, work is generally referred to in the ...

A new approach to school transition

The change from early years services into formal educational settings has long been considered an integral transition point for young people. Now research from Flinders University asks 'Is service integration actually important ...

How COVID-19 exposed the systemic ageism at the heart of Britain

The UK public cares deeply about injustices. In the first few months of 2021, thousands of people took to the streets demanding much-needed social changes, from Black Lives Matter to Kill the Bill protests against the government's ...

Standardized measures needed to screen kinship foster placements

Kinship caregiving—placing a child in a relative's home if the child cannot safely stay in the family home—is becoming more common and is a preferred option for children, says UBC Okanagan Assistant Professor Sarah Dow-Fleisner.

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