Experts measure the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Between March 21 and 28, as the country enacted quarantine measures, the United States experienced a 3,000% jump in joblessness claims. By the end of March, a stock market drop had wiped out all gains from the previous three ...

Even amid social distancing, 'vicarious learning' can work

"Vicarious learning" is a term for how we learn from the experiences of others, particularly people in our everyday personal and professional lives. But can it succeed in a time of masks, quarantining, and working from home?

Q&A: Protecting essential farm workers during COVID-19

State and federal executive orders have deemed seasonal and migrant farmworkers "essential." Yet, few protections have been granted to this population, which may be at higher risk of exposure to coronavirus, according to ...

4 ways COVID-19 has exposed gaps in the US social safety net

The United States is experiencing its steepest economic slide in modern history. Tens of millions of Americans have filed new unemployment claims as the coronavirus shutters businesses and forces companies to lay off staff.

Lead with empathy during the COVID-19 crisis

In these uncertain and highly stressful times, there is heightened reliance on managers and supervisors to maintain the well-being, health and safety of their workforce.

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