It pays to pray

Pastoralists in rural Tibet who spend more time on religious activities earn more than their counterparts who pray less. This is the striking conclusion drawn by Wageningen University development economist Qin Tu.

Paper wasps and honey bees share a genetic toolkit

They are both nest-building social insects, but paper wasps and honey bees organize their colonies in very different ways. In a new study, researchers report that despite their differences, these insects rely on the same ...

Molecular Middle Managers Make More Decisions Than Bosses

( -- Organisms are structured at the molecular level in ways similar to social hierarchies. In some, master genetic regulators call most of the shots, and in others most of life's activities are carried out by ...

Guatemalan fears a tweet will make him a jailbird

(AP) -- Jean Anleu was so fed up with corruption in his country that he decided to vent on the Internet, sending a 96-character message on the social-networking site Twitter.

Study Finds Link Between Facebook Use, Lower Grades in College

( -- College students who use Facebook spend less time studying and have lower grade point averages than students who have not signed up for the social networking website, according to a pilot study at one university.

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