Review: Sony's smartwatch good, but not essential

Sony's new SmartWatch 2 doesn't get as much attention—and doesn't do as much—as Samsung's Galaxy Gear computerized wristwatch. But for the things it does, Sony's version performs better.

Swiss watchmakers keep cool in wait for Apple smartwatch

Swiss watchmakers are warily eyeing Apple's reported progress towards creating a "smartwatch", but say they are not too worried about the tech goliath's likely incursion into their traditional turf.

Smartwatches open new hacking risk

The surging market for smartwatches opens up new ground for hackers, according to researchers who found vulnerabilities in all the devices they tested.

Smartwatches abound: But who really wants one?

If consumer electronics companies are to be believed, someone on your holiday shopping list is just dying for a wristwatch that displays message alerts and weather updates.

Motorola emphasizes design in circular smartwatch

Motorola rolled out a circular smartwatch Friday, counting on a more traditional design to win over consumers who have so far shunned other computerized wrist devices.

South Korea's Samsung and LG unveil new smartwatches

South Korea's Samsung and LG unveiled new smartwatches Thursday with upgraded functions and design as they step up their drive to lead an increasingly competitive market for wearable devices.

Apple set to lead surging smartwatch market: survey

The Apple Watch is fueling the emerging smartwatch market and is expected to be the top seller in the segment for next few years, a market research report showed Wednesday.

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