Research brings to light businesses' energy use

According to Oxford University researchers, many retailers, including those with smart meters, are not actively 'managing' how much energy they use and are paying larger energy bills than they need to. Under a new project ...

Smart meters could cause conflict for housemates, study shows

Arguments about whose turn it is to do the washing up, negotiating rights to the TV remote control and disputes over noise—as many students returning to university for the new academic year are about to learn the hard way, ...

'Confusion and resistance' slows down UK smart meter rollout

Lack of consumer engagement, insufficient information, and inadequate attention to vulnerability has slowed down the UK roll-out of energy smart meters, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Sussex.

Why the world needs to get smarter about water consumption

In 1900, just 15% of the world's population lived in cities. Now that proportion is over 50%, which is a lot of people. In fact, it means around 4 billion human beings rely on urban infrastructure to keep them warm, mobile ...

Designing smarter cities using computer game thinking

Dr. Willem-Jan Renger, head of the Innovation Studio at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, is driving citizen engagement in smart city planning using methods generally seen in computer game creation, as part of an international ...

NIST releases test framework for upgrading smart electrical meters

Next-generation "smart" electrical meters for residential and commercial buildings will have computerized operating systems just as laptops or mobile devices do. On July 10, 2012, the National Institute of Standards and Technology ...

Can Western Australia get smart on energy use?

A Murdoch University researcher has examined the benefits and challenges of adopting Smart Meters in Western Australia as the state's peak energy use continues to rise.

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