Smart Grid Technology: Vulnerable To Hackers

( -- Smart Grids are digitally based electricity distribution and transmission systems and test have shown that a hacker can break into the system resulting in a massive blackout.

City transport needs saving from itself – here's how to do it

Cities are growing rapidly. According to UN estimates, the world's urban population grows by two people every second, 7,200 every hour. This means that within two decades, nearly 60% of the world's population – five billion ...

Cisco outlines strategy for Smart Grid infrastructure

Continuing its expansion into lucrative business niches, Cisco Systems on Monday will announce its entrance into the smart grid infrastructure market, which the company estimates will grow to $20 billion a year within the ...

Malaysia unveils plan to build 'green economy'

Malaysia is launching an ambitious plan to build a "green economy" with the help of an advisory council that includes economist Jeffrey Sachs and the UN climate change chief.

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