Beware the green car 'big switch'

Charging up an electric car can put as much strain on the energy grid as a small family home. So how can we embrace this new technology while keeping an eye on sustainability?

Smart grid for electric vehicle fleet

Being able to charge up to 30 electric cars at once requires some ingenious energy management. Researchers are incorporating a mix of renewables into the design of a smart grid for Germany's largest charging station.

Smart grids to help optimizing the utilization of power grids

Germany's power grids are not yet well prepared for the current consequences of our Energiewende, wide fluctuations in the supply of electricity from renewable sources, which conflict with patterns of demand. Smart grids ...

Tool created to avert future energy crisis

( —A University of California, Riverside assistant professor of electrical engineering and several colleagues have created a new measurement tool that could help avoid an energy crisis like the one California endured ...

Cybersecurity: Plugging smart grid weaknesses

Power companies are increasingly upgrading to smart grids—national or state-based intelligent computer systems that collect information from consumers and suppliers in order to automatically improve the grid's efficiency ...

Power grid getting smarter with big battery

( —Research conducted with a large new battery unveiled today in Oregon will help make the Northwest's and the nation's electric system smarter and more efficient, officials said at a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

On-site electric current measurement to improve Smart Grid design

New and improved technology for measuring power quality in smart grids could save 839k tonnes of carbon and bring £250 million annual GVA in economic benefit. The technology has been developed by scientists at the Centre ...

Siemens makes US acquisition in smart grid sector

German engineering giant Siemens said Monday it has agreed to buy eMeter, a US-based data management specialist, in a bid to enhance its position in the field of so-called smart grids.

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