'Nano-pixels' promise thin, flexible, high resolution displays

A new discovery will make it possible to create pixels just a few hundred nanometres across that could pave the way for extremely high-resolution and low-energy thin, flexible displays for applications such as 'smart' glasses, ...

Google to show off smart home gadgets, wearables

Google is expected to reveal an Android update, smart home devices and other innovations at its two-day developer conference, beginning Wednesday in San Francisco.

Bringing history and the future to life with augmented reality

Have you ever wished you had a virtual time machine that could show you how your street looked last century? Or have you wanted to see how your new furniture might look, before you've even bought it? Thanks to VENTURI, an ...

Smartphone giants want your body

Smartphone makers are fighting for space on your wrist and your head, lucrative real estate for a new wave of high-tech devices if only they can persuade you to wear them.

Smart materials investigated on space station

If you have a smartphone, take it out and run your fingers along the glass surface. It's cool to the touch, incredibly thin and strong, and almost impervious to scratching. You're now in contact with a "smart material."

Tech expert Pogue says wearable computers have a ways to go

"Wearable" devices like smartwatches and Google Glass may indeed become the next big trend in consumer electronics, but David Pogue, the multi-faceted, multi-platform technology writer and TV science presenter, thinks we're ...

Moving towards electronically active threads

We are just starting to develop smart textiles. So far the problem has always been that it was not possible to apply the electronic components, called organic semiconductors, to three-dimensional structures such as fibres ...

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