Are kids ready to eat insects?

Producing meat pollutes and requires a lot of space and resources (water, grains…). To protect the planet, we must therefore find new sources of protein. One of the solutions is to replace, at least partially, meat by insects.

How non-native tree species affect biodiversity

Non-native forest tree species can reduce native species diversity if they are planted in uniform stands. In contrast, the effects of introduced species on soil properties are small. This was found by an international review ...

EU eyes more help for shrinking bee populations

The EU on Tuesday announced proposals to try to reverse an "alarming decline" in the number of bees—and other insects that pollinate the bloc's crops—including by rewarding organic farming.

Soybean virus may give plant-munching bugs a boost in survival

Most viral infections negatively affect an organism's health, but one plant virus in particular—soybean vein necrosis orthotospovirus, often referred to as SVNV—may actually benefit a type of insect that commonly feeds ...

New model for analyzing color vision in aphids

Aphids are one of the least welcome garden visitors. These small insects can cause substantial damage in agriculture, but how do they actually choose their host plants? What are the basic mechanisms behind this? Researchers ...

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