Sony books $870mln quarterly profit

Japanese electronics and entertainment giant Sony Corp. Thursday announced a third-quarter net profit of 870 million dollars, a result it said "significantly exceeded expectations".

Toshiba to stop making mobile phones in Japan

(AP) -- Japan's top chipmaker Toshiba Corp. said Wednesday it will end production of mobile phones in Japan due to plummeting demand amid an economic slump.

Japan's NEC to exit supercomputer project

Japan's ailing IT giant NEC Corp. said Thursday that it would withdraw from a government-backed supercomputer project as part of its efforts to cut costs during the economic slump.

Voters' choices based on performance, not policy

Voters in U.S. presidential races make choices based on a candidate's performance rather than on his or her policy positions—even when those stances run counter to the voters' own, according to a new book by a University ...

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