For zombie microbes, deep-sea buffet is just out of reach

Far below the ocean floor, sediments are teeming with bizarre zombie-like microbes. Although they're technically alive, they grow in slow motion, and can take decades for a single cell to divide—something their cousins ...

Slow motion playback makes football referees harsher

Football referees penalize situations more severely when watching them in slow motion compared to real time, according to a study published in the open access journal of the Psychonomic Society, Cognitive Research: Principles ...

This is why you won't be able to swat that fly

Summer in Australia is defined by sport, but the most-played sport isn't cricket or tennis – it's fly swatting. Have you ever tried to swat a fly? You can swipe, slap, slash or swoosh your hands at these sometimes-annoying ...

Microorganisms in the subsurface seabed on evolutionary standby

Researchers at the Center for Geomicrobiology at Aarhus University, Denmark, have sequenced the genomes of several microorganisms inhabiting the subsurface seabed in Aarhus Bay. The results reveal the extreme evolutionary ...

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