Smartphones change teenagers' digital media use patterns

Teenagers who own smartphones spend more time online - also during the night, which may affect their sleep. A new University of Basel study on more than 300 students reports that teenagers' digital media use during the night ...

New brain sensor offers answers about Alzheimer's

Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have developed a tool to monitor communications within the brain in a way never before possible, and it has already offered an explanation for why Alzheimer's drugs ...

The shape of dogs' heads affects their sleep, according to study

Flat-faced dog breeds are popular all over the world. In the U.S. and in Hungary, the French bulldog is currently the most common breed. However, their popularity comes at a high cost in terms of health: Shortened skulls ...

Study shows short snout predisposes dogs to sleep apnea

University of Helsinki researchers tested a new method of diagnosing sleep-disordered breathing in dogs using a neckband developed for human sleep apnea diagnostics. The study revealed that sleep-disordered breathing is more ...

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