From an almost perfect universe to the best of both worlds

It was 21 March 2013. The world's scientific press had either gathered in ESA's Paris headquarters or logged in online, along with a multitude of scientists around the globe, to witness the moment when ESA's Planck mission ...

Fragment of impacting asteroid recovered in Botswana

On Saturday, June 23, 2018, a team of experts from Botswana, South Africa, Finland and the United States of America recovered a fresh meteorite in Botswana's Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). The meteorite is one of the ...

What it takes to discover small rocks in space

Once every month, on average, somewhere on Earth a fireball appears out of nowhere and for mere seconds, casts a blinding flash across the sky before it blows up in a thunderous explosion. It happened last Saturday over southern ...

Big space rock to streak past Earth on Wednesday

An asteroid stretching 650 metres (2,000 feet) across is on track to whoosh past Earth on Wednesday at a safe—but uncomfortably close—distance, according to astronomers.

Small asteroid flies safely past Earth

A small asteroid designated 2016 RB1 safely flew past Earth today at 10:20 a.m. PDT (1:20 p.m. EDT / 17:20 UTC) at a distance of about 25,000 miles (40,000 kilometers, or just less than 1/10th the distance of Earth to the ...

French social networks atwitter over asteroid hoax

Twitter and Facebook lit up this weekend when pranksters reported that an asteroid was hurtling toward France, prompting a humourless denial Monday on the website of a national radio station.

Comet US10 Catalina—the final act

Have you seen it? 2016 has kicked off with a fine apparition of a binocular comet: C/2013 US10 Catalina. We've been following this icy visitor to the inner solar system the first few mornings of the year, a welcome addition ...

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