Research team develops tattoo-like skin thermometer patch

( —A diverse team of researchers from the U.S., China, and Singapore has created a patch that when glued to the skin can be used as a thermometer—continuously measuring skin temperature. In their paper published ...

Drug patch treatment sees new breakthrough

Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering has developed a flexible microneedle patch that allows drugs to be delivered directly and fully through the skin. The new patch can quicken drug delivery time while cutting waste, ...

Researchers compare 'natural' mosquito repellents to DEET

Every summer while preparing for long weekends at our family cabin in the north woods of Minnesota, we'd face the same dilemmas. What food should we bring? Is SPF 50 sunscreen enough protection? And, most importantly, which ...

New 'electronic skin' patches monitor health wirelessly

Like the colorful temporary tattoos that children stick to their arms for fun, people may one day put thin "electronic skin" patches onto their arms to wirelessly diagnose health problems or deliver treatments. A scientist ...

A goosebump sensor that reads your emotions

People get goosebumps when they feel a sudden surge of emotion. Goosebumps are due to the shrinkage of the skin cells around hairs, making the hairs stand on end. Animals, such as lions and cats, develop the goosebumps or ...

Wearable electronic skin delivers drugs and stores data

Average life expectancy has nearly doubled since 1800, thanks to progress in medicine. Most of that was made by developing drugs and improving public health services. The medical revolution of the 21st century is going to ...

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