Newly identified bacteria-killing protein needs vitamin A to work

People who have inadequate vitamin A in their diets are more susceptible to skin infection, yet how that vitamin affects skin immunity has been unclear. In a study published today, UT Southwestern researchers shed some light ...

Broad-scale genome tinkering with help of an RNA guide

Duke researchers have devised a way to quickly and easily target and tinker with any gene in the human genome. The new tool, which builds on an RNA-guided enzyme they borrowed from bacteria, is being made freely available ...

Malaria mosquitoes guided by bacteria

The composition of our skin bacteria determines whether we are attractive to malaria mosquito. This insight should make it possible to develop an effective odor trap for mosquitoes.

High-tech wound dressing fights infection in mouse trial

( -- An ultra-thin layer of polymer impregnated with a surgical anti-bacterial aided healing by preventing infection in a mouse study performed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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