Graphene crystals grow better under copper cover

An approach that produces single-crystal graphene sheets on large-scale electrically insulating supports could help with the development of next-generation nanomaterial-based devices, such as very light and thin touchscreens, ...

ESR-STM on single molecules and molecule-based structures

Scaling down information devices to the atomic scale has brought the interest of using individual spins as a basic unit for data storage. This requires precise detection and control of spin states and a better understanding ...

Transforming e-waste into a strong, protective coating for metal

A typical recycling process converts large quantities of items made of a single material into more of the same. However, this approach isn't feasible for old electronic devices, or 'e-waste,' because they contain small amounts ...

A review of single molecule-based electronic devices

In a paper to be published in the forthcoming issue of Nano, a group of researchers from the Shenyang Jianzhu University in China has provided an overview of single-molecule electronic devices, including molecular electronic ...

Tunable optical chip paves way for new quantum devices

Researchers have created a silicon carbide (SiC) photonic integrated chip that can be thermally tuned by applying an electric signal. The approach could one day be used to create a large range of reconfigurable devices such ...

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