New loo turns poo into power

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have invented a new toilet system that will turn human waste into electricity and fertilisers and also reduce the amount of water needed for flushing by up to 90 per ...

New Singapore carrier uses iPads to cut fuel cost

Singapore's new long-haul budget carrier Scoot has taken off for the first time, using a novel way of saving fuel -- by replacing its in-built TVs with iPads.

China fund may help Alibaba in Yahoo! bid: report

China Investment Corporation is in advanced talks to add up to $2 billion to the Alibaba Internet Group's efforts to buy back a stake from struggling Internet pioneer Yahoo!, the New York Times reported.

US senators propose 'anti-Saverin' tax evasion law

Two US senators, angered by what they said was Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin's deliberate tax avoidance, announced legislation Thursday to stop him and other exiles from re-entering the country.

Investors play a crucial role in sustainable palm oil

WWF is urging investors to do more to promote sustainable palm oil, backed by findings from a new survey released during a high-level meeting of investors and producers in Singapore.

Google starts building data centre in Taiwan

US Internet giant Google on Tuesday started building one of its three planned data centres in Asia to meet fast growing online demand from the region, the company said.

Researchers revolutionize closed captioning

( -- Ever since closed video captioning was developed in the 1970s, it hasn't changed much. The words spoken by the characters or narrators scroll along at the bottom of the screen, enabling hearing impaired viewers ...

Singapore gains toehold in world arms industry

Singapore, better known for its clean-cut image and electronics exports, is seeking a place in the global arms industry by exploiting technological expertise honed on its own amply funded military.

USB key opens home files from anywhere

A USB-style key that splits in two lets people open their home or work computer files from any Internet-linked computer.

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