Study shows just how fast censorship can occur in social media

( —An analysis of censorship patterns on the Twitter-like Chinese social media service called Weibo gives the clearest picture yet of how the site's operator, Sina Weibo, finds and deletes controversial posts in ...

Movie website access delights China netizens

Movie fans in China Thursday welcomed a popular film website being unblocked by censors, but it was unclear whether the move suggested any wider relaxation in the country's tightly-controlled media.

Mystery of the Chinese zombie Yalies

(AP)—U.S. universities have responded to China's exploding demand for American higher education with branch campuses and aggressive recruiting. Now, some are trying to boost their brands by casting photos and other snippets ...

At Mao-style conclave, China embraces Twitter age

(AP)—During China's last party congress, the cadres in charge of the world's most populous nation didn't know a hashtag from a hyperlink. But five years on, there's a new message from Beijing: The political transition will ...

Scientists reclassify eukaryotic microorganisms

One of the biggest scientific challenges is the classification of the natural world, especially the protists, which are eukaryotic microorganisms. While the classification proposed by Sina Adl et al. (2005) was conservative ...

Sina says quarterly profit triples

(AP) — Sina Corp., which operates a popular Chinese Internet portal, said Thursday its quarterly earnings tripled but cautioned that its fast-growing Weibo microblog service is unlikely to produce significant operating ...

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