Computer giant Acer launches mobile phones in Asia

Taiwan-based computer giant Acer on Wednesday launched a series of advanced mobile phones for the Asia-Pacific region, ramping up its expansion into the wireless communication market.

Israeli start-up seeks to end roaming charges

An Israeli startup is trying to combat a common fear for international travelers: getting socked with hundreds or thousands of dollars in unexpected roaming charges for using cellphones away from home.

The next big smartphone accessory: Your car

Automobile giants at the world's biggest mobile fair are showing off a new technology that turns a car into a smartphone accessory, allowing a driver to use cutting-edge apps without veering off the road.

EU aims to slash mobile phone roaming charges

The high roaming costs of using smartphones and tablets across the European Union are to be slashed under a new plan issued on Wednesday to give users greater choice in a more competitive, regulated market.

Apple to face Australian court over iPad

Australia said Tuesday it would take Apple to court for misleading consumers over sales of its new iPad, claiming adverts that it can connect to a 4G network was misleading.

EU unveils major telecom reforms, end to roaming charges

The European Commission adopted controversial telecom sector reforms Wednesday which it said would create a 'fully connected' Europe and include an end to hugely unpopular mobile phone roaming charges.

Pakistan tightens cellphone control after Taliban massacre

(AP)—Almost every Pakistani citizen has a cellphone, but from now on, Big Brother is checking to make sure their name, number and fingerprints are on record. The measures are meant to tighten control of cellphones and avert ...

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