Nanosilver in textiles – friend or foe?

Antimicrobial silver nanoparticles may enable people to use textiles in an environmentally more sustainable way, even though a question mark remains on their potential risks

Silver nanoparticles may adversely affect environment

In experiments mimicking a natural environment, Duke University researchers have demonstrated that the silver nanoparticles used in many consumer products can have an adverse effect on plants and microorganisms.

Nanoparticles' effects on soils exposed

Nanotechnology can help solve many problems. But it is a technology that involves risks as well, for people and for the environment. In a PhD study conducted at Alterra Wageningen UR and Wageningen University, doctoral candidate ...

A nano end for Christmas tree needles

As Twelfth Night approaches and the Christmas decorations start to look increasingly congruous as the last crumbs of cake are swept away and the remnants of the turkey have finally been consumed, there is the perennial question ...

Nanosilver from clothing can pose major environmental problems

(—Silver nanoparticles can have a severe environmental impact if their utilisation in clothing continues to increase. If everyone buys one silver nanoparticle-treated sock a year, the silver concentration in waste ...

Plasmonics: Growth lamps for nanoparticles

Just as gardeners can use 'growth lamps' to stimulate plant growth, materials scientists can now promote uniform growth of decahedron-shaped silver nanoparticles while they are in solution. These 10-faced solids, only tens ...

Charge separation in silver clusters

Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) users from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland, working with the Argonne National Laboratory's CNM Nanophotonics Group, have demonstrated the existence of long-lived ...

Silver nanoparticle synthesis using strawberry tree leaf

A team of researchers from Greece and Spain have managed to synthesize silver nanoparticles, which are of great interest thanks to their application in biotechnology, by using strawberry tree leaf extract. The new technology ...

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